Physician Assistant Programs Prerequisite’s—Video

Here is a video that shows you how to research the pre-reqs required by the Physician Assistant school of your choice. Many PA schools share similar requirements, but it’s ALWAYS best to research each school.

Click play to watch the video:

There you have it. Use this technique to research the school’s in which you want to attend. Feel free to share this post on facebook and twitter.

As always, please comment below and share your thoughts.

Helping you get into PA school,


4 thoughts on “Physician Assistant Programs Prerequisite’s—Video

  1. I was wondering if you could give me some ideas of how to gain my clinical hours while still going through undergrad. I was considering becoming a CNA but heard that wasn’t a good idea. What should I do next? I want to be able to graduate with my Bachelors and apply for PA school asap.
    Thank you

    1. Natalie, CNA, MA and EMT are all good options for you at this point. I admire you for working on your experience now versus later. Smart move! Stay motivated.

  2. I am finally at the point where I am ready to work towards a second career. I have been involved in banking and financial services for roughly 30 years. My wife is a nurse working on becoming a Nurse Practitioner.

    I have always had a love for Anaotomy and Physiology, partly because of my experince as a martial artist for many decades as well. I have always wanted to go into medicine but life (and the need to be the main breadwinner) always got in the way. What advice could you give to a gentleman with a BS in Finance/Accounting and a MBA trying to make such a big career shift? Thank you in advance for any thoughts you may share.

  3. CL, you can do this. I have several student’s who have made PA a second and sometimes third career! Best of luck to you.

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